10 SportsUnion | AUGUST 5, 2018
Heading into her freshman year, Alexis Batch was ready to
compete for a starting position in the Southeaster Conference
(SEC). After all, a little competition didn’t scare someone who
set all kind of records while in high school.
By Matt Ondesko Managing Editor
But, her plans got side
tracked as an injury forced
her to redshirt last year at
Arkansas. it was the first
time, in a long time, that
Batch wasn’t suiting up
and heading onto the pitch
to help her teammates try
and earn a win.
In the beginning it was a
little strange, and it took
some getting used to. Batch
is used to playing, but she
wouldn’t be getting in any
games that season.
“It was hard definitely...
I got injured during spring
of my senior year during
track and was out all sum-
mer. So when I was cleared
and got on campus I was so
eager to get out and com-
pete but wasn’t smart in
the way I did it and rein-
jured my foot,” explained
Batch. “When I found out
I was heartbroken and an-
gry with myself but knew
that this was now time that
to shine
I had to work hard to get
back to where I was, but
also being smart about it
and letting my body heal.
There were definite mo-
ments of frustration and
games and times I didn’t
feel as much part of the
team I think I would have
if I could play... some days
emotions hit harder than
others but my coaches were
great in getting me back. I
went in extra a lot to our
strength and conditioning
coach, Rob Scott ,working
on becoming stronger and
fitter so I could get back
on the field as soon as I
could. I also had to think
about what’s best for the
team and even though it’s
hard not playing I have to
do whatever I can to help
them and that sure wasn’t
moping around so tried to
be as loud as I could on the
sidelines and encourag-
ing. Also learning as much
as I could from watching.”