Sport's News (May.2013) | Page 2

Saturday . The 25 th of May 2013 . You will see a incredible game of handball . At the moment four teams want the French Cup but only one of the Nantes ' s team , Montpellier ' s team , Dunkerque ' s team and PSG Handball ' s team will have it . Who ' s team will be win the cup ? See you the 25 th of May !
You know the H-Cup ? It the biggest tournament of the Rugby club ' s in Europe . Four teams are in the tournament and there is still two French teams : Toulon Clermont . We will see the 18 th of May if one of them will win !
Barcelona . Madrid . Bayern of Munich . Dortmund . Four teams for one leader place . The Champion ' s League is certainly the best tournament of all the tournaments of all the sports . Which one of the Spanish or German will have the trophy ? Answer the 25 th of May !
Last week the play-offs didn ' t surprise anyone . The two winners of championship West and Est ( Oklahoma City and Miami ) scored their series by one point versus Houston and Milwaukee . One of them will win the final and believe a double champion ? Final in June .
The Davis Cup opposed all the best country in the world . The French Team lost in quarter final versus the Argentina Team . The semifinal will oppose the Serbia Team versus Canada Team and the Argentina Team versus Czech Republic Team . They will be the 13 rd 15 th of September .