‘‘avoid all cardiovascular
problems. . ...’’
Recent research shows the
need for practicing sport. People are becoming more aware
of this need. Regular physical
activity is critically important
for the health and well-being of people of all ages. Research has shown that sports
reduces the rate to chronic
diseases due to sport plays a
vital role in the enhancement.
Sport is a physical activity
which prevents cardiovascular
problems. It gives comfortable
breathing, due to the fact that
it provides molecules of oxygen and renews brain cell. Also,
it supplies muscular development making muscles more
supple and toned burning
more calories. In conclusion all
those benefits avoid cardiovascular problems.
Sport gives a strong mental attitude. It keeps you happy, so in
consequence, it provides constructive expenditure of energy
as well as development of social skills. A strong mental attitude increases your confidence
and you will be able to involve
in competition and develop
leading qualities. Participation
in sports develops self-confidence.
Finally, It is clear that Sports
reduces the risk of getting cardiovascular problems. Sports
also allow people to develop
personally. Social and confidence skills can be learned and
developed through sport. It
has never been more important to participate in Sports.