People practice a martial art most times to learn how to fight. But when they become good in that, they realize that is more important the self-defense than
the attack techniques. There are some martial arts that are considered the
best self-defense martial arts. One of this is Krav Maga. It’s used by Israel Defense forces, both regular and special forces, and also and used by some intelligence organizations. Krav Maga emphasizes in counter attack as soon as
possible, targeting attacks to the body’s most vulnerable points and maximum effectiveness and efficiency in order to neutralize the opponent as quickly as possible.
Another self-defense style is Keysi Fighting Method also also called ‘’The Batman
Method’’. Batman’s method of fighting is understood from the comic books to require the utmost efficiency, because Batman is a genious at fighting crime, and
will not waste time in putting criminals away. Fight against ten or twenty bad
guys at the same time sounds impossible, but Andy Norman create that method
and after 6 or 7 years of training in it, anyone can perform all the necessary moves.
The Keysi Method has almost no kicks of any kind. It thrives on extreme closequartes combat using every weapon the body can quicky wield in such a small
space: fists, head, knees, and specialy the elbows, those things makes Krav Maga
and Keysi Fighting Method the best self-defense martial arts and also very useful
and difficult martial arts.
Taking into a count all these things, would you practice a martial art?. If you
don’t practice a martial art or even do exercise, then open your mind and try
one! you wouldn’t be dissapointed after that. Also if you practice a sport or a
martial art, try another one, improve your body and your skills. Don’t waste
your oportunity to meet this worl, a world that has so many things to show you.