oids, know the origin ofwhen
should take precautions products and attend medical checks
using steroids, know the origin
in products and attend mediof case you set and infection.
cal checks in case you set and
All things considered steroids
are unhealthy, athletes are the
people who abuse these drugs,
All things considered steroids
but unhealthy, athletes are use
are also teenagers now
them. To convince teenagers of
the people who abuse these
the negative effects of anaboldrugs, but also teenagers now
ic steroidsTo convinceective to
use them. is more eff teenagpresent both the risks ects of
ers of the negative eff and benefits of using thesemore effecanabolic steroids is drugs and
realize present boththat risksbe
tive to the damage the can
done in the short term or long.
and benefits of using these
drugs and realize the damage
that can be done in the short
term or long.
ββAll things
steroids are