Sports and Science volume 1 issue 1 | Page 23

The Science Of the Slam Dunk.

People often think that the NBA Slam champion as Vince Carter break the law of science. it is their shoes? Do they have invisible wings? Funny, but no.

Believe it or not, Vince Carter, Kobe Bryant and all other NBA players not to break any laws of science when they hang in the air and lay down a reverse tomahawk jam. It just seems like they are. They are actually governed by the same laws of physics as you and everyone else. How high a player jumps down to how much force he used to push out of the ground when he jumps. The harder he pushes, the higher he goes, and the longer he stays in the air. In other words, Vince Carter gets so much air because he such a powerful push-off when he goes for a slam.

by: Ahmed Fadell