One of the reasons for sled-hockey’s popularity is that it is played nearly identically to traditional ice hockey. Five players and a goalie take the ice for each team and attempt to outscore their opponent over the course of three 15-minute periods. It is a fast-paced, full-contact sport that is exciting to both play and watch. Other than equipment differences, sled hockey rules follow nearly identically to the rules set by the International Ice Hockey Federation that govern all traditional stand up hockey play.
The primary difference in rules between sled hockey and traditional hockey centers on equipment regulations. Double-bladed sleds are utilized instead of skates. Instead of one traditional hockey stick, the players’ have two sticks, each with a spike at one end and a blade at the other. By simply flipping their stick, athletes can either to propel themselves forward or handle the puck. Although beneficial for the athletes’ performance, these special sticks are a driving reason why sled hockey is not commonly played, as many ice rinks prohibited the spiked stick, which can damage the ice more than traditional skates.
A Look Ahead:
The Sochi 2014
Paralympic Games