Sport In Profile UK Issue 10 | Page 5

dalbeattie star fc committee taking care of the cash, looking after the bar, team lines and organising the match day activities.” Community “We try and involve the public as much as possible and we give the use of our stadium to various organisations and schools free of charge. The club relies on the townspeople of Dalbeattie for their support and financial backing with local business playing their part. We are not a wealthy club like some of the ones were are competing against such as Spartans who have had millions spent on their ground; Stirling University which has big backing and other clubs in the cities where there is a much better chance of getting major sponsorship. We are in a rural area made up of mainly smaller businesses but they play their part like the committee who are either working or semi-retired or retired.” Youth Development “Youth development is very important and we are in the process at the moment of setting up a youth organisation which we hope will be in place by the New Year and will be operating next spring. 5