Hospital Pharmacy International invited experts across South and Southeast Asia to share their clinical experiences and opinions in this educational handbook , to impart and disseminate knowledge with colleagues in Asia and beyond
decompensated cirrhosis not only eases ascites management but also prevents the occurrence of severe complications , ultimately improving patient survival . Furthermore , this treatment avoids hospitalisations and , therefore , is costeffective . These advancements will likely open novel perspectives for human albumin use in other contexts of chronic liver disease and liver transplantation .
In the light of what has been discussed above , Hospital Pharmacy International invited experts across South and
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Southeast Asia to discuss the clinical management of liver cirrhosis and other severe liver diseases and their complications , early-stage liver cancer and liver transplantation . They share their clinical experiences and opinions in this educational handbook , to impart and disseminate knowledge with colleagues in Asia and beyond .
You will agree that this resource is timely and will surely provide precious information to its readers . We hope you enjoy reading it .