Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey
Genre / Scientific documentary
cast / Neil deGrasse Tyson
What is it about?
Where did we come from? Why are we here?
Where are we going? These are just a few of
the burning questions that mankind has been
asking since our evolution as a self aware species.
Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey is the follow
up to the 1980s television show Cosmos: A
Personal Voyage presented by astronomer and
astrophysicist, Carl Sagan. Neil Tyson, also an
astrophysicist and long time fan and protégé of
sorts to Carl Sagan, guides us through this new
iteration of the Cosmos series taking viewers on a
journey to the far reaches of space and the billions
of galaxies in our universe, and to the microscopic
and sometimes alien world of our very own planet.
Why watch it?
Mankind has always been curious, always had
questions. Neil Tyson eloquently sets out to help
answer some of these questions. Tyson breaks it
down and explains things in simple terms for the
viewer, and in a way that is beautiful to behold
on screen. Aboard Tyson’s “Spaceship of the
Imagination” you’ll be transported back to earths
past, witness the present take shape, and get a
glimpse of what the possible future holds. To make
this journey, you’ll need imagination, but imagination
alone is not enough, because the reality of nature and
our universe is far more wondrous than anything we
could ever imagine. Covering the pioneering scientists
of our time and in a variety of scientific fields, you’ll be
awestruck at just how far the human race has come
in so short a time, and be inspired at the potential
future we could create. Cosmos should be watched
by everyone, you’ll walk away with a yearning to know
more about every aspect of life.