SPLICED Magazine Issue 06 August/September 2014 | Page 20

SPLICED STUFF / ISSUE 06 FEATURE / THE ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GUIDE The Pseudo-Physics of Zombies By ray whitcher Left 4 Dead, with its witticism-laden name, is arguably the king of zombie games. There's something terrifyingly wonderful about working as a small team against unrelenting odds, cringing at the cries of a 'Smoker' zombie or facing the horde rush. Shambling zombies aren't all that scary. Shaun of the Dead proved that - they just amble like an old person in a shopping mall. Running zombies, however, are fearless, inexhaustible sprint-machines that will keep going long after you've collapsed from exhaustion - how do you fight something that doesn't know it's supposed to be tired? So let's say we have a zombie apocalypse, would it a