SPLICED Magazine Issue 06 August/September 2014 | Page 18

SPLICED STUFF / FEATURE / THE ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GUIDE ISSUE 06 By Ivo Visic A good kill in Zombieville is dependent on a solid knowledge of anatomy that can be used (with the hard and fast rule of double tapping) to good effect to immobilise or outright dismember the zombie hordes approaching you – and their demise. / 1 / THE BRAIN STEM This is where your body puts all its basic functions for survival. Whatever your object of choice for blunt trauma – aim at the back of the head where the skull joins to the top of the neck. Bruising doesn’t stop a zombie in its tracks, the decaying brain not talking to the rest of it will. / 2 / ACHILLES TENDON Hiding under the desk? Got a knife? A machete? Cutting the Achilles tendon at the bottom of the leg will hinder your foe but beware this can lead to the dreaded crawler coming after you. The brain stem double tap becomes a bit easier to administer at least. / 3 / CAROTID ARTERY Depending on whether your zombie is truly the undead or just the outcome of a deadly virus (therefore being more prone to asphyxiation) you can grip the carotid artery. This is not a technique to use unless the said viral-infested zombie is gnashing at your face – grip your hands around the neck with thumbs pushing forcefully in line with the front of the ears. Eyes rolling back and a groaning spasm indicate successful passing out. Make your escape. / 4 / CERVICAL MANIPULATION I’m a physiotherapist. I want one I can apply at any time, all Rambo-esque. Again, applied at close quarters - zombies have a way of catching up to you – pull the top of the neck 18 Quick tip NO. 7 LIMBER UP / If the film Zombieland taught us anything, it’s that pulling a muscle while escaping from the zombie hordes is a bad idea. Make sure you stay limber, agile and pain-free during any possibly dangerous outing during the zombie apocalypse. Quick tip NO. 8 The crazies / Any apocalypse is sure to send even the sanest people into a spiral of loathing and madness. Hey, it’s a stressful time for everyone. Stay safe and make sure you keep away from anyone exhibiting signs of zombieinduced psychosis. into extension and apply a sharp thrust of rotation to the top of the spine. A satisfying crack and a flaccid posture assure success. / 5 / CRUSHING INJURIES Anything from steam rollers to industrial farm equipment will suffice. A flattened zombie is a useless zombie, even the undead require the rotting pull of a muscle fibre to carry itself along. Just make sure you crush the entire torso. Flailing arms are generally not that deadly. / 6 / MEDICATION Hypodermics filled with botox (which is derived from botulism ie food poisoning toxin) will cause complete paralysis. Be sure to deliver it directly to the heart to ensure supply around the body. A serene, unwrinkled face is another great side effect of this method. Perhaps stuffing a corpse filled with valium would provide slower zombies? / 7 / GET THE EYES Poking eyes out or pepper spraying the hell out of a zombies sight may not kill them but it will definitely give you some time to get yourself on the fast track out of there. Zombie killing is an art not a science and is largely reliant on how this zombification occurred. Allow yourself to play around but remember that zombies are just (dead) humans too.