SPLICED Magazine Issue 04 April/May 2014 | Page 29

SPLICED Issue 04\r\n\r\nINTERVIEW with KERON GRANT\r\n\r\nSM: That’s amazing. So you went from\r\nworking in comics to other fields too.\r\nYou also did some work in the gaming\r\nindustry too.\r\nKG: Yeah, I was in my twenties when I\r\nstarted doing some work for DC and\r\nMarvel comics too, and from there I\r\nmoved to doing some gaming stuff. I think\r\none of the first games I worked on was\r\ninFAMOUS. That was a lot of fun, I mainly\r\ndid character designs for a few of the\r\nvillains, which is always cool.\r\nSM: inFAMOUS was a great game.\r\nHow exactly did you break into the\r\ngaming industry coming from a comic\r\nbackground?\r\nKG: Well, I would attend all the big comic\r\ncons like San Diego and New York. There\r\nwas always a producer for a game or a\r\n\r\nISSUE 04\r\n\r\nmovie walking the artists ally. Good work\r\nwill hopefully always speak to people and\r\nget noticed. I was lucky enough to have my\r\nwork seen by a few producers and gaming\r\nindustry people, and from there I got called\r\nin to do freelance work for them.\r\nSM: Well, your work obviously got\r\nnoticed by quite a few people, after doing\r\nwork for games you also worked on some\r\nhuge Hollywood blockbuster films too.\r\nTell us about those.\r\nKG: Well it varied; I’ve done storyboards\r\nfor films and concept and character\r\ndesigns. I worked on the Matrix movies,\r\nTransformers, and recently G.I. Joe and\r\nRobocop. G.I. Joe was a lot of fun to do, I’m\r\na huge fan of motorcycles and I was asked\r\nto come up with concepts for a few of the\r\nvehicles for G.I. Joe, and spent some time\r\non set while they were filming too.\r\n\r\n29\r\n\r\n