SPLICED Magazine Issue 04 April/May 2014 | Page 91

SPLICED GAMING / ISSUE 04 FEATURE / MEDITATION FOR GAMERS THE GREAT HALLS OF WIZARDS, MAGES AND TECHNOCERY IN THE MOUNTAINS OF SHAPEIR ARE SAID TO BE LOUD WITH THE SOUND OF ITS SILENCE. A GREAT, UNBLINKING TIGER OF AN EYE HUMMING THROUGH THE HALLS AND LEAVING ALL WATER UNRIPPLED. ONLY ONE OF GREAT AWARENESS IN THE CENTRE OF THAT STORM MAY BE APPROVED ENTRY INTO THE TRIALS THAT GRANTS ADMISSION INTO THE UNIVERSITY OF MAGICS. Such is the great power of mindfulness meditation discipline. Naturally us mere mortals would only like to be more calm, less anxious and have increased focus and concentration. All very valuable tools to the studious gamers who look for any edge over another in a noisy LAN gaming hall or Sierra quest game with hours of staring at the screen, trying to figure what to do to obtain full puzzle points. The ability to see patterns emerge out of chaotic information can be more readily obtained in certain brain wave states or as the wizards would say, in their convoluted look-howbrainy-I-am sort of way, “Inherent patterns in the web of being are only felt by giving yourselves over to them. Flux and flow are not the problem, it is the boogie board with which we choose to ride them.” So off we go with a ripped out page from the Primer of Concentrated Focus by Magus Spirare Memor. STEP 1 / Place your wands, tomes and familiar in your storage locker. Take a seated posture in a chair with feet flat on the ground and back straight, hands may rest lightly on top of the knees or cupped in front of your navel. Lying on the back with pillows placed under knees and head is also helpful but sleep may occur. STEP 2 / Close your eyes and simply become aware of your breathing. Mosquitoes may be dealt with by a simple Citronella Charm Bracelet from your first year textbook. STEP 3 / Focus on your breath in the area of your body that you feel it the most. Common sites are the interfaces between air and skin - the nostrils and back of the throat and where you feel muscles move because of air movement – the tummy, the chest and ribs, the pointy bit of your hat moving forwards and backwards. STEP 4 / Maintain a gentle focus on the breath. If the mind wanders, and thoughts about your next incantations exam or who you want to invite to the Kobold’s summer dance abound, just lightly and without judgement bring your awareness back to the breath. Bring your focus back to the breath like a puppy being guided back to its wee-wee spot. This is the practice: returning to your breath over and over and over and over again. Start with 5 minutes and slowly build up until you can hold the state for the duration of an unskippable Elder Scrolls conversation. If you are struggling, you may count the breaths, simply labelling; 1 in, 1 out, 2 in, 2 out. This may prove a valuable focus point for the mind until you are able to master the 12 languages of spellworking. A gentle master will lead the strongest warriors. Failing that, you can always use c