On August 3 , 2024 , Jill Everson and Curtis Ricks exchanged vows in a beautiful , heartfelt ceremony at Graham Creek Nature Preserve .
Surrounded by the love of family and friends , their wedding marked the culmination of over five years of love , growth , and joy . Jill , who will now be known as Jill Ricks , dazzled in a champagne-colored A-line gown adorned with intricate lace , setting the tone for a day filled with elegance and charm .
The couple ’ s love story took a special turn in December 2023 , when Curtis proposed in the most intimate setting — right at home . As Jill ’ s two sons , Caden ( 13 ) and Gage ( 11 ), settled in with her and Curtis for a cozy evening of watching football , Curtis quietly asked the boys for their blessing . When the game ended , Jill began her usual routine of sending the boys off to bed when Curtis sweetly interrupted , saying , " Hey , can I ask you a question ?" Jill turned around to find Curtis holding a ring , surrounded by her sons ’ smiles . It was a perfect , tender moment , made even more special because they shared it as a family .
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