Spiritually Connected Magazine Issue 5 | Page 23

FOOD CULTURE Dishes From Around The world Cou Cou and flying fish RECIPE Here's what you'll need: 8oz corn meal 3oz okras 1 medium onion (chopped) 3 tbsp butter water salt to taste Cou-cou is made with corn meal and okra. In a bowl, combine the cornmeal with sufficient water to cover the meal. Set aside. Cut the tops and bottoms off the okras and slice into rings. Place the sliced okras in a saucepan with water, chopped onion and salt. Bring to a medium boil for a few minutes until the okras soften. Strain the okras into a bowl, setting aside the liquid. Add about a quarter of the okra liquid back into the saucepan and add the soaked meal. You'll need a whisk or wooden stick to stir the cou cou as it cooks. In Barbados, they use a flat wooden spoon known as a 'cou cou stick'. Stir constantly to avoid lumping. Add more of the okra liquid gradually. You can tell you're nearly finished when the cou cou starts to bubble gently at the surface. At this point add in the cooked okra slices and continue stirring for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the butter. Served with fish and lots of gravy. Enjoy! SPIRITUALLY CONNECTED | 23