Spiritually Connected Magazine Issue 5 | Page 17

PARENTING 101 8 TIPS FOR MOMS AND DADS Parenting can be very challenging especially as children reach different stages. Here is a few tips to help you navigate those stages 1 PRAYER FOR THEM Prayer daily for your children. It’s only God who can keep them and help them fulfill their purpose and destiny. 2 Ads Here READ TO YOUR CHILD Reading helps assist in a child development. Children enjoy their parents reading bedtime story to them just before going to bed 6 As you spend quality time with your children, it helps them to trust you and improve your relationship. TALK TO THEM 3 Talk to your children and not at them. When you talk at them they zoom out from what you are saying. 7 4 5 PROVIDE A HEALTHY DIET A healthy diet will assist in you having a healthy child. They wouldn't be easily prone to sickness and diseases. SHOW THEM LOVE Children need to feel loved by their parents. If you don't give them that love and attention they look for it in all the wrong places. SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH THEM 8 PLAY WITH THEM When you play with your children, it's a joyful experience and it also shows you your child character. DISCIPLINE THEM When your child is disobedient, it is important that you discipline them from an early age.  Also, let them know why they are being disciplined. SPIRITUALLY CONNECTED | 17