www . journeywithcharlight . com
The Five Primary Families of Tai Chi Health Benefits
I feel it is an honor to the lineage of the Five Families to mention them when describing what Tai Chi is . Presently , there are many forms of Tai Chi that are practiced , but the ones that are essential are the five primary families of Tai Chi .
There are many health benefits when it comes to practicing Tai Chi , and it is of most importance that one is dedicated to their practice , and understand that they have the ability to heal their body . * Increase in positive a mood , with lower levels of depression ,
Chen Style Chen style is the oldest Family Style of Tai Chi . Around the 17th century , the Chen family , of the Chen Village in the Henan province of China practiced their own unique form of martial arts which later became their family lineage . Chen is the oldest form of the five primary tai chi styles . The others are derived from the Chen family style of tai chi .
* Reduction of stress levels , and anxiety * Greater aerobic capacity , endurance , flexibility and muscle strength * More energy ( Chi ) and stamina * Enhanced balance , and agility
* Lower blood pressure and improved heart health
* Reduced Inflammation within the body * For seniors , it is beneficial for balance and can result in
Yang Style ( The Form that I teach )
Fewer falls
Yang Style Tai Chi is the most popular and widely-practised form , and was founded by Yang Lu-ch ’ an . His style of tai chi — which he modified and developed directly from the original Chen style . Yang Lu-ch ’ an was admired by the Chinese Imperial Family , and in 1850 he was hired to teach his modified version to their elite palace guards . The Yang family style of tai chi improves flexibility
My mission is to teach the healing power of Tai Chi to all of my students , and I will show them that with patience , time , and dedication they can bring a sense of inner and outer peace into their everyday existence , and activate our bodies natural healing mechanisms . by expanding and contracting the body using big , exaggerated movements executed slowly and gracefully . At this time I am teaching donation-based classes at Sunset Beach some Sunday mornings . Next donation-based class at Sunset Beach is July 23 10:30-11:15 . Here is the Facebook
Event , which you can also follow for updates : https :// www . facebook . com / events / 1880605412265645 .
You can subscribe to my website for monthly updates and future class schedules .
www . journeywithcharlight . com
Seek-Within Intuitive Art & Wellness will be joining Optimal
Wu Style The second most popular style of tai chi is the Wu family style , founded by Wu Ch ’ uan-yu , who trained under Yang Lu-ch ’ an . Wu style tai chi is unique in its emphasis on the extension of the body by leaning forward and backward rather than remaining centered , as one does in the other styles of tai chi .
Wellness Niagara ( OWN ) in August , and offering Tai Chi Qi Gong classes . There will be a FREE introduction class , as well as a sword performance on August 26 , 9:00a-10:00a . Children are welcomed to join under the supervision of the parents . https :// www . facebook . com / events / 273112779824389 /
Please spread the word to friends and family !
Blessings ,
Sun Style
Prior to studying tai chi , Confucian and Taoist scholar Sun Lutang were experts in two other internal martial arts which , like tai chi , emphasize the use of the mind in moving the body . Sun Lutang developed a combination style of tai chi that borrows from various martial arts and tai chi styles .
Hao Style Very few practice this form , even in China as it is the least popular of the five styles . This style puts a strong emphasis on internal qi .
About the Author ... Charlene Glaw , Owner of Seek-Within Intuitive Art & Wellness and has obtained her Bachelors in Applied Science in Psychology , Reiki Masters , and offers , Tai Chi Classes , wellness workshops , and mentoring services focused on healing suppressed emotions and limiting beliefs within the Subconscious that may be hindering spiritual / personal growth . Char also intuitively design various forms of creative expressions , such as energy pyramids , artwork and crystal pendants , and has a channel on YouTube that reflects her thoughts , as well as promoting a healthy diet and relationship with food , while caring for our inner-environment . .