Spiritual Niagara Insights Issue 1 July 2017 | Page 15
Just as the tiny acorn grows into the mighty oak tree and the
caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly we too can shed our
past and transform into a new and more joyful person. Who do you
wish to be? How do you wish to transform? What do you see as the
newer version of yourself? All is possible. Where to start?
Each of us prior to birth creates a life story or script which includes
many options and choices. We choose our parents and where we will
live. We choose our body and its genetic code including its strengths
and weaknesses. Most important of all we choose our life lessons and
our perceptions as they relate to our life events. Perception starts to
form prior to birth. We know that once an embryo starts to form it
also hears. Our soul energy is attached to that tiny being that is
developing and it is aware of how our parents embrace or deny our
pending birth. This is when our life lessons begin because we start to
form opinions about what we have witnessed. As soul energy once
conceived into physical form we follow our parents and observe how
they interact and prepare for our pending birth.
These early life stories will define how we perceive the world in the
future, especially when we are in times of stress. Do we embrace the
world and look for solutions and answers; or do we turn inside and
withdraw feeling it is something we have personally done wrong?
Prenatal events store in emotional centres of the body which we call
chakras. The chakras follow the spinal reflexes and hold the auric
energy pattern of the body. This shapes our life but once we know
what has been happening we have the ability t