Spiritual Niagara Insights Issue 1 July 2017 | Page 10

9 "The Linden, also called Basswood and Lime-tree, is the tree most sacred to the goddess Shava, who may be found in Celtic Arianrhod, and Greek Aphrodite: Queen of Stars and Love. Her nature is as much fiery as airy being the spirit of Divine Light. Linden wood is laden with the power of attraction that underlies not only love, infatuation, and harmony, but also the very fabric of the material cosmos in such forces as magnetism, adhesion, and gravity. It is a wood of truly cosmic power on every dimension and sphere of the Tree of Life. Linden is a very light, airy, and smooth wood, excellent for carving and capable of supporting fine details. Specially suited to star magick, spells of creation and transmutation, illumination, love, attraction, healing, enhancement of beauty and peace, and acts of enchantment." Sometimes, these trees are called Lime Trees which is actually just an altered form of Middle English Lind, (OE Linde). The Proto Germanic form is Lenda, Latin cognate Lentus, (meaning flexible) which also has connections to our Modern English word, Lithe, (again related to Lind). (It therefore seems reasonable to query if the the Old Norse word, Lundr, meaning grove or tree, is connected with the Proto Germanic, Lenda?) The flowers are chiefly used in tea as a mild sedative, and anti-inflammatory. (I put them in my nighttime tea flower blend with chamomile, rose, passionflower, lemon balm and lavender.) Their use is also found for colds, cough, fever, infections, inflammation, high blood pressure, headache (particularly migraine), as a diuretic (increases urine production), and as an antispasmodic (reduces smooth muscle spasm along the digestive tract). Health Benefits Of Linden Anxiety Issues: One of the most frequent uses for linden tea is as an anxiety aid, as its soothing properties have been known to reduce mental stress and anxiety. If you suffer from mood swings or unexplained chronic stress, a cup of linden tea can be a very wise addition to your health regimen. It has a minor effect on your hormone levels, inducing a state of relaxation for the body and mind. Free Radical Neutralization: As with so many herbal remedies, the antioxidant content of linden is one of the best qualities this plant has. Antioxidant compounds like quercetin and kaempferol both act as free radical scavengers, eliminating these harmful byproducts of cellular respiration from your system and improving your overall health by preventing chronic disease. These are particularly effective for protecting the skin against signs of aging and exposure to the sun as you age. Detoxify the Body: P-coumaric acid is another of the very beneficial organic compounds found in linden that can be accessed in linden tea. This is known as a diaphoretic, which means that it induces sweating, which is a very effective way of releasing toxins from the body, along with excess salts, fat, water, and foreign substances. This quality also makes linden valuable for people suffering from fevers, as inducing sweating can help lower a fever faster and prevent permanent damage to organ systems. Colds and Flu: In addition to stimulating sweating to break a fever, linden also contributes to other symptoms of colds and flus, such as inflamed or swollen membranes throughout the mouth and respiratory tracts. This can help to reduce coughing and irritation, which is why linden is often relied on to sooth sore throats and calm coughing. Linden tea can also help to eliminate congestion, making it a true triple-threat to colds, and represents a major immune system booster.