Spiritual Badass Magazine October 2017 | Page 20

myself to fit in that box again. I broke out and it’s wide open space all around me.

I giggle at myself a little when I look back, but all with love. I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

I’m here to share truth with you about what being a sensitive really means. I’m solid that you’ll like my version better than the bullshit you’ve been taught. If you don’t like how you feel as a sensitive, you’ve been taught some bullshit.

I live my freedom. I’m free from judgement, ridicule and being defined by people who don’t get me.

Not because they don’t exist, not because people don’t continue to misunderstand sensitivity – because I just don’t give a rat’s ass. I define who I am and let me tell you, it’s badass.

I’m so busy living my amazing AF life, as the real me, I couldn’t tell you if I had a hater or a nay-sayer about what I’m doing or who I am. I love who I am and I love my life. Those who get me, join me. Those who don’t, there’s the door.

Sensitives are drawn to my message in droves, because they love this concept – they love my truth. That being a sensitive is kick-ass. That we are gifted and do things with our gift that 80% of the population cannot.

We are the super-feelers of the world. Connecting with even total strangers in an instant. Mega-intuitives. Healers. Artists. Idea maniacs. The massively inspired. Can I get a hell yeah for us?

Because that my friend, is some serious world transforming power when you put all of us together. Imagine for a moment that every sensitive stepped into their superpower? Can you see my vision now? How the world would change?

If every one of us activated our gifts and used them for the greater good, what a difference we would make for every living thing on this planet? Holy shit, I mean BAM!

When you become masterful at energy management, everything in your life changes. You have more focus, drive and traction on what you want. You don’t take on everyone’s crap energy. You don’t attract needy people or assholes.

You just do what you do, your way and your outer world reflects what you want to see – because of your energy, how you want to feel. (Welcome to my world!)

The more you love yourself, the more you show up as the real you, with conviction and confidence, the less those types of people show up. You attract amazing people in your life who get you. That makes it easier to show up and do what you’re here to do. (your bigger calling)

As Wayne Dyer said, “you don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are."

When I put all my focus and intention on my own energy, pulled my focus inward and stopped focusing “out there” my limits disappeared, my energy skyrocketed and so did everything else I wanted. My life transformed. I want that for you.