Are you Ready for a Different Kind of Networking?
Let's face it: Most Networking SUCKS. We've all been to the meetings where everyone is there with dollar signs in their eyes, shoving their business cards in your face, and screaming, "You need to try my weight loss coffee!" at you before even bothering to say Hello. Ugh.
But Spiritual Badass is out to change all that! True Networking is about building relationships, creating community, and having FUN. And, of course, referrals! When we help one another, we all grow together.
We're kicking off our Networking Communities January 3, 2018, and you're invited! Check us out in one of the cities below:
Tucson, Arizona Danbury, Conneticut
Sacremento, California Colorado Springs, Colorado
Tampa, Florida Wood River Valley, Idaho
Cedar Rapids, Iowa St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Louis, Missouri Forest City and Wilmington, North Carolina
Cleveland, Ohio Bend, Oregon
Charleston, South Carolina North Austin, Texas
Seattle, Washington Menomonee Fall, Wisconsin
Norwich, United Kingdom Toronto, Canada
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Houthulst, Belgium Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia