Spiritual Badass Magazine April 2018 | Page 41

When mapping out my day, I know that my mind works best on writing projects early in the morning. If I have social media content, blog posts, or newsletters to write I schedule those as early in the day as possible.

On the other hand, I can work with clients at any time during my regular business hours, but my mind starts to get foggy and less productive around three in the afternoon so the tasks that I undertake later in the day need to be much different.

Figuring out your best schedule may take time, and this could be yet another thing to distract yourself with if you aren’t careful.

This isn’t about perfection, it is about figuring out your best schedule so that

About the Author

when you are working you are less likely to be distracted. Use this in your daily business, and you won’t ever have to go through plotting your day again. You will see the changes that are occurring as you move through your day, and you will be able to make small adjustments for the following day until you feel comfortable with the outline that you have set for yourself.

If you love the idea of never missing appointments or deadlines again and you need strategies and systems to get it done then let’s get on a call and let me show you how I can help you do just that!


Angela Mondor is also known as The Geeky Girl – she works with entrepreneurs to focus on and complete the projects that are most important to the success of their business. Whether you are just starting your business or growing your existing business

Angela has the tools and strategies that you need to turn your business goals and dreams into reality. She will help you get organized, save time and get more done!

Angela welcomes you to join the Powerful Productive Business Owners Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PowerOfSM/