Angels often pass on messages to us through numbers or a sequence of numbers. You may find that you keep seeing or hearing the number 1. It may be that each time you turn on the telly it is on channel number 1, you keep waking up at 1am or each time you look at a clock you see the number 1. You may see a sign post that has the word one on it.

Or you may see two or more numbers that keep popping up.

For instance you may find that you keep seeing the numbers 23. Each time you look at the clock you see 23 or you keep seeing that number through out the day. The reason you keep seeing or hearing this number is because your angels are trying to tell you something. Each number has a specific meaning and message behind them. I love it when my angels communicate to me through numbers – they do this very regularly. I can easily understand the messages that they are passing onto me. Below is what each number means.

0 – When your angels show you the number 0 they are trying to tell you that you are very loved by God and the angels. The angels are trying to pass on a message to you to let you know that you are not alone and that you are loved and supported.

1 – When your angels show you the number 1 they are trying to tell you that, you need to be careful of what you think about or desire. They are asking you to push aside any fears or negative thoughts. They are reminding you that negative thoughts bring about negative energy. If your thoughts are more positive then you will find that more positive energy will enter your life.

2 – When your angels show you the number 2 they are trying to tell you that, you must not give up on a dream, life, project, person or situation. Your angels want you to have faith in yourself and in the Lord and your spiritual and angelic helpers. They are urging you to have faith and not give up.

3 - When your angels show you the number 3 they are trying to tell you that, you have angelic help and support all around you. They want you to know that Jesus, the Ascended Masters and your spiritual and angelic helpers are helping you in your time of need.

4 – When your angels show you the number 4 they are trying to tell you that, you are not alone in any situation. Your angels are trying to tell you that they are helping you and guiding you. They want you to listen and pay attention to the advice and guidance they pass on to you as they are trying to help you.

5 – When you see the number 5 it is your angels way of telling you that, things are about to change for the better. They want you to know that a positive change is around the corner for you. So be prepared for new, exciting and positive things to come into your life.

6 – When you see the number 6 it is your angels way of telling you that, you need to balance your thoughts and feelings more. They are asking you to please release your fears and doubts to God and the angels. Ask for their help and ask the angels to help you to keep your life balanced. Have faith that God and the angels will make sure that you are well provided for. Push all concerns, fears, doubts, ego based fears and worries aside and try to have more balance in your life.

7 – When you see the number 7 it is your angel’s way of telling you that, everything is as it is supposed to be. You are heading in the right direction and are on the right path – the path that is right for you. Your angels are telling you that you do not need to worry as you are heading in the right direction. They urge you to keep going full steam ahead and know that you are on the right track.

8 – When you see the number 8 it is your angels way of telling you that, there is great abundance coming to you. This may be in the form of money, love, friendship, happiness, peace or in which ever way is needed at that time.

For example, you may be feeling lonely and in desperate need for love and companionship. You may feel that there is not enough love in your life. The angels are telling you that there will be an abundance of love coming into your life soon.

9 – When you see the number 9 it is your angel’s way of telling you that, the time has come for you to work on your life purpose. They are urging you to work on your life purpose straight away and to follow your instincts and gut feelings. If you do not know what your life purpose is then your angels are urging you to find out what it is, and then to work on that life purpose with out delay.