the lady or man who works in your local shop, a lover or even a best friend. We all have a life partner soulmate – this is a person that we have a romantic relationship with and who we will spend our lives with. We also have soulmates – people who comfort us in our times of need, who guide us and who we are a strong bond and connection with. 9 out of 10 times we shared a past life with one of our soul mates. Our soulmates are people that we have a strong telepathic link with. We feel that we have known them all of our lives. Archangel Chamuel tells me that he is helping you to find your soulmates. If it is a life partner that you are seeking, then he will help guide your life partner to you. If it is a true friend then he will help guide this friend to you. Archangel Chamuel wants for you to know that he has heard your prayers and cries and he is guiding your soulmates to you. He is also helping you with all of your realationships. He is helping to heal and bring peace to all of your realationships.
9. You Know What To Do – Archangel Uriel: “Trust your inner knowledge, and act upon it without delay.”
The Archangel Uriel has been trying to let you know that you already know exactly what to do in a situation that is on your mind. He tells me that you are too quick to judge yourself and your intuition. Push all judgement aside and learn to trust your instincts and gut feelings more. Your Claircognizance (clear knowing) is strong. This means that you have a strong psychic intuition. This is why it is vital that you learn to trust your own instincts and thoughts. Do not judge or dismiss the messages that are being sent to you. Archangel Uriel is urging you to take that all important step forward and to not be afraid of taking necessary risks. Now is the time for action! Any action taken at this time will prove to be positive and rewarding. Archangel Uriel, your guides and your angels are lighting the way for you. You may not be aware of their presence by your side, but they are with you and they are helping you. They tell me that there is something that you want to do but have doubts and fears. Let go of these fears as it is now time to take a leap of faith, jump into the unknown and have trust that all will turn out well. You have a large amount of angelic and spiritual support all around you. You also have support from your loved ones. It is at this time that you will get the support from those whom you most want it from. If there is someone around you who disagrees or does not support you, then have faith as the angels are helping to open their hearts. You will get the support that you seek.
10. Victory! – Archangel Sandalphon: “Your prayers have been heard and answered. Have faith.”
The Archangel Sandalphon tells me that there is something that your heart desires. This desire is so strong and you have wanting this for a while now. It could be good health for yourself or a loved one. It good be a new job, home, an end to financial difficulties, new beginning, end of a troublesome relationship, new love or friendship, help with your children, to move forward on your spiritual path or could even be help in a situation. What ever it is that your heart truly seeks it will come to you in good time. The Archangel Sandalphon would like for you to know that the angels and God have heard your prayers and cries. They always hear you and are aware of what it is that you seek. They have been sending you little signs to let you know that the help you seek is coming. These signs can be so small that they may go unnoticed. Pay close attention to what is around you, to the lyrics of songs that get stuck in your head, what people say and how you feel. Answers and signs from the angels are all around you. Once you become more aware of these signs then you will see them. Archangel Sandalphon and your angelic helpers are helping you and bringing to you what your heart most desires. Archangel Sandalphon is reminding you that everything has divine timing. He asks you to please be patient as what you seek will come in good time. Victory is just around the corner. Hold on for a little longer and have patience as all will be revealed soon. You are on the right path and things will get moving soon.
11. Compassion – Archangel Zadkiel: “Soften your heart with respect to this situation, and all the people involved, including yourself.”
The Archangel Zadkiel tells me that there is a situation around that is causing your emotions to run wide. You are feeling irritable, frustraited and you want your voice to be heard. You may feel that others are not giving you the chance to have your say. Or it could be that you disagree with anothers point of view. You are finding it difficult to sort this situation out fairly and peacefully. The Archangel Zadkiel is with you and is helping you with this situation. He is asking you to take a step back, calm your mind and to look at this situation or person (if it is a person that you are having difficulties with) honestly. Also look deep with in your self to find if you are dealing with this situation or person in a fare mannor. So many times we get wrapped up in our own desires, emotions and circumstances that we forget to see things from another’s point of view. Archangel Zadkiel is asking you to deal with this situation or person in a calm and collected way. Use compassion and understanding instead of frustraition or aggression. Try to see things from the other person’s poin of view, or look at this situation in a different light. If you do this then this situation will be sorted out or resolved peacefully and quickly. All it takes is a few moments of your time to step back and revaluate the situation. Ask your Higher Self and the Archangel Zadkiel to help open the hearts of all involved. You can also call on the angels of communication. Ask them to help bring peace to this situation.
12. Brilliant Idea – Archangel Uriel – “Yes, your idea is Divinely guided…please take action to bring your idea to fruition.”
The Archangel Uriel has been showering you with inspirational ideas. You have heard the ideas that he has sent you. He has sent you these inspiriations through your thoughts, ideas, dreams and what is around you.
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