Fluorite – Fluorite is a wonderful stone for helping to heighten our psychic intuition and open our four Clairs. This stone also helps with concentration, decision making, mental process, memory and with seeing situation in a new light. Fluorite helps us to find our inner selves and helps to keep our relationships balanced. Fluorite also helps to attract abundance, love, peace, prosperity, protection and balance to you and your life. This stone is associated with the Archangel Chamuel.

Bloodstone – Bloodstone is one of the birthstones for people born in the month of March. The other birthstone for the month of March is Aquamarine. Bloodstone is also associated with the heart chakra. This stone is a highly protective stone is good for keeping you protected and to give you courage in life and in dangerous situations. This stone helps to build self confidence and helps you to feel settled, stable and strong. This stone helps with creativity, helps us to recognize our faults so that we can heal and mend them and helps to renew us.

Turquoise – Turquoise is associated with the Archangel Sandalphon. Turquoise is also the birthstone of people born in the month of December. Other crystals and gemstones that are birthstones of people born in December are; Tanzanite and Zircon. Turquoise helps to draw happiness into our lives, it helps us to speak our minds and let out any worries or concerns that we may have. It helps us to be truthful and to be honest about the way we truly feel. It helps us to identify our emotions and what our true motives and ambitions are. Turquoise helps to open our hearts and helps us to be more forgiving as well as more giving and empathic. It helps to heal our body, mind and spirit and is associated with the throat chakra.

Topaz – Topaz helps to give us strength and courage in our everyday lives. This stone is one of the birthstones for people born in the month of November. The other birthstone for November is Citrine. Topaz promotes individuality, self confidence, creativity and stability. Topaz helps to remove all doubts and fears.

Watermelon Tourmaline – Watermelon Tourmaline is associated with the Archangel Metatron. This stone helps to attract love into your life. It helps you to be more loving, peaceful, forgiving and generous. This stone feeds your spirit and helps to keep you and your relationships in harmony. Watermelon Tourmaline helps you to release guilt and to stay balanced.

Diamond – Diamond is one of the birthstones of people born in the month of April. The other birthstone for April is Rock Crystal. Diamonds is a healing crystal and helps to keep us feeling healthy and on top form. It also enhances the qualities of other crystals or gemstones that you may have or be warring.

Lupis Lazuli – Lupis Lazuli is associated with the Archangel Zadkiel. This stone helps to keep our bodies and mind purified and cleansed. This stone has a very high intensity and can help to open all of our chakras. It helps to draw love and wisdom to us and helps us to have a better understanding of others and the world around us.

Emerald – Emerald is one of the birthstones for people born in the month of May. The other birthstone for May is Chrysoprase. Emerald is also associated with the Archangel Raphael. Another stone associated with the Archangel Raphael is Malachite. Emerald has very strong healing properties that help us to heal in all areas of our life. This crystal helps to heal our body, mind, spirit, relationships and lives. Emerald helps to give us spiritual, physical and emotional balance and healing. This crystal helps to bring joy, healing, harmony and tranquillity into our lives.

Clear Quartz – Clear Quartz is associated with the Archangel Raziel. This crystal has very powerful healing properties and helps with healing our body, mind and spirit, building up of self confidence, gives us energy and vitality, helps with self esteem and over coming past hurts and pain. Clear Quartz also heightens our psychic intuition, keeps us protected and balanced, helps us to remember our dreams and important information and helps with memory. Clair Quartz helps to re-energize us and stimulates psychic perception.

Opal – Opal is one of the birthstones of people born in the month of October. The other birthstone for October is Tourmaline. Opal helps us to achieve our goals and ambitions, it helps to make us more ambitious, feel more peaceful and have more strength. Opel helps us to speak freely about our true inner feelings and helps with communication.

Sugilite – Sugilite is associated with the Archangel Michael. This stone has extremely strong protective energies. It helps to keep us protected, have self confidence and gives us courage and strength. Sugilite also protects the soul form shock or trauma. It helps to ease headaches and heals all of our aches and pains. Sugilite helps us to relieve spiritual tension and helps us to be more forgiving.

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