Spirit Talk & The Professional Medium ISSUE 6 | Page 5
Her spirit daughter joined us and
I was happy to be able to pass on
many validations of the things her
mother had done over the years
to raise her daughter and then her
grandchildren. Finally, closure for a
grieving mother that was a long time
coming. It was a full stop to both our
lives in the old hospital and we are
now able to face new challenges.
Now at my new work place I
am yet to set House rules for
interaction with new spirit friends
and to prevent them from causing
Spirit Talk 6, Nov - Dec 2015 / 5
spooky mayhem in my kitchen.
There have been a few visitors
so far though. A steam train coal
stoker pretending to shovel coal
into the ovens every time I open
them is one of the most bizarre.
His story is that he was on the
earth plane in the days when the
only way to get to where I am now
I explained to my patient co-worker
that outside of our workplace, I’m
not just an off-duty chef but also a
psychic medium.