Spirit Filled Christian Living Magazine volume 1 | Page 14

7The Louder The Sermon The More Annointed It Is

There was a time prior to the invention of public address systems that a preacher had to be loud in order to be heard by the people in the back. I believe that there were times where God anointed those preachers with a supernatural ability to be heard and it was loud. However there is no need to shout at people today. We can hear clearly.

When I was little, when I was shouted at, I was in trouble. Shouting at people does not convey that you are anointed or spiritual. It conveys that you are angry. We do not shout at people in conventions, schools, or seminars. It seems we only shout at people in church and that needs to stop. People equate shouting with anger not with learning or education. Think about how you are appearing to people and let go of your religious tradition.

8Rock Concert Music Levels

I love rock and roll. When I was younger and my head could support long hair, I had long hair. I played Christian rock and roll with some of the greats. However when the music is so loud that I can’t hear myself sing, then I stop singing.

Worship is not a concert. It is not a spectator sport. It is a participatory event that everyone needs to be involved with. When you have your music levels at such a point that people cannot hear themselves sing, then it is too loud. They cannot participate and they are forced to watch the professionals give a concert. We need to give up the idea that louder is better.

9Teaching People To Speak In Tongues

I believe in the gift of tongues. I believe in praying in the Spirit. I have articles on these things on this website. However once again we do not need to give God help in releasing this gift. He is more than capable of doing it.

I have heard people tell people to “repeat after me” when praying for them to receive their prayer language. It used to be a running joke in some circles that a person “learned” how to speak at tongues at ORU because they would always start off with the word “shondala”.

There comes a time that we need to have enough faith in God and His desire to really anoint and empower people that we do not try to “make it happen”. We need to get back to allowing the Spirit to empower people as He wills. We need to stop worrying about the results. Those are God’s responsibilities not ours.

The Apostle Paul stated when bringing correction to the Corinthian church for some of the abuses of the Spirit filled life that was happening there that “When he became a man, he put away childish things”. May God’s Spirit also speak to us as to which childish things we should also put away in our modern expression of the Spirit filled life.

Read more at http://spiritfilledchristianliving.com/the-spirit-filled-life/9-quirky-habits-spirit-filled-christians-should-break/#F4pSHj0gpR0STX0O.99