SPIN UP YOUR LIFE (test) | Page 43

DE-CODING … 破解 In the last 25 years, “BRAIN-HACKING” has emerged into the fringes of common language. The term was used as early as 1993 when Wired journalist Gareth Branwyn described brain-hackers as “… do it yourself brain-tinkerers who have decided to take matters into their own hands.” Since then, the exact definition of the term has reached a clearer coalescence; BRAIN-HACKING is the art and science of upgrading the mind, brain, and body, for more optimal conscious experiences and capacities. While the term “BRAIN-HACKING” may be young, many cultures have long emphasized the optimization of conscious experience. Ancient practices, such as yoga and meditation, can serve great utility in the brain-hacking repertoire. The same can be said for emphases within wellness and biohacking movements that have popularized over the last 40 years. The emergence of high- quality quantified self devices, low cost genome sequencing, direct to consumer lab assessments, and bioinformatics, are all elevating personalized wellbeing and performance optimization to an inspiring new reality. And our current era is unique in the history of BRAIN-HACKING. We are on an exponential curve of computing power and information. We’ve been trying to understand how to most beautifully and powerfully live for all of written history, but only now are our tools and educations becoming complete enough to yield satisfying outcomes. Just as indoor plumbing and electricity revolutionized the standards for modern lifestyle, the standards for our conscious experience are shifting into a new normal.