Cleaning up after any disaster is difficult, especially oils spills. There are many ways they can be cleaned, but there are a few that are most commonly used.
Clean up methods are usually chosen by the cheapest fastest results.
A method that is used to slow the contamination of oil and keep it from spreading to sensitive areas, is using a physical barrier made of plastic or metal calles booms. Skilled team place them areas that will prevent areas that have the most sensitive ecosystems.
There are three different types main of booms that are used. A hard boom is a cylinder piece of hard plastic that is blown by winds and currents that disperse oil from sensitive areas. A sorbent boom is made out of absorbent material in a shape that kind of looks like a sausage, this floats around and absorbs oil. The least common boom is a fire boom, this type of boom is made of metal and holds oil long enough so it can be lit on fire and burned up.
Other equipment that is commonly used is skimmers. Skimmers are boats that can remove oil before it reaches the coastline. Often two boats will tow a collection boom, allowing oil to concentrate within the boom, where it is then picked up by a skimmer.
Clean-up Methods
More controversial ways of cleaning up oil spills is In Situ burning which is where large oil slicks are caught on fire before it reaches the coast line.This is more controversial for many reasons but the main ones are that it can catch sea life like coral reefs and sea turtle on fire and causes large amounts of air pollution.
Another controversial method is having planes and boats spread dispersant that breaks up the oil. This controversial because the chemicals used are also harmful for the ocean and often times just keep the oil from staying at the surface,but it doesn't clean up the rest.