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Causes of Oil Spills

Often times when an oil spill happens there are acts that lead up to them, that could have been easily prevented. People who work for oil refineries can make careless decisions that then lead to catastrophic. A company's CEO often don't care about spending the money on prevention methods. Like using two barrels to make sure that if the oil leaks through one the next one catches is it before it reaches the ocean. Employees aren't trained in correctly in prevention methods, underpaid they work long hours, unaware of how important it is that there job is done.

Equipment for oil must be up to date to prevent disasters. This is also a large expense that many companies do not want spend money on. When equipment breaks down this can create leaks, that can leak out 1,000 of gallons of oil out. Leaks are harder to stop then prevent, but since consequences for oil companies is small, they would rather be cheap and not worry about prevention. When natural disasters strike such as hurricanes and tsunamis this can cause disaster beyond houses being destroyed but, large uncontrollable oil spills. These oil spills are one of the harder ones to handle because, resources and focus are usually used on displaced people,food and water shortages, and medical aid leaving the damaged fragile ecosystems of the ocean once again, forgotten.

Illegal dumping of oil in the ocean is another common way that our ocean gets polluted. With little enforcement from our government illegal dumping is easy to do, by companies or an individual. If there was better regulations and larger fines there would be a lot less of this.

Careless Decisions leading To Catastrophic Events