spicy diva magazine vol.2 vol. 2 MAY.2014 | Page 9

Outside of being probably one of the baddest (PSA: “baddest” is not a real word, but everyone knows how it applies in this context) chicks in the game, model/songstress Cassie is unspeakably one of the most fabulously fierce emerging female trendsetters in today’s hip-hop/urban fashion world. I mean when she chopped off one side of her head and rocked the now distinctive rocker-chic hairstyle, it took all of 3.2 seconds for damn near every [hood] fashionista to hop on the ½ buzz cut, ½ long-hair-don’t-care look (to this day I still don’t even know what the technical term is for this hairstyle. But let’s continue…).

What I love about Cassie is her ability to carry her natural beauty into every style aesthetic she embraces. When she first came on the scene, she was this “good girl next door” that morphed into this urban sex kitten persona, which has transitioned into this sort of high-fashion rocker/early female hip-hop swag she has going on right now. I love it! I love that she switches up her style and rocks the hell out of every look and does it so beautifully. No matter the occasion, Cassie delivers. And with her recent Summer 2013 ad campaign with trendy fashion apparel retailer Forever 21 and the release of her mixtape Rockabye Baby which dropped earlier this month, Cassie is continuing to increase her stock value.

So today I’m taking a look at some of Cassie’s most stylishly chic moments as she continues to blaze the way as a female style trendsetter. Enjoy dolls.

Female Swag: Cassie, Style Trendsetter