Spice Isle Virtual Cultural Festival, Montreal. July 2021 | Page 54

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In describing the people of the island , the uncles , teachers , doctors … you can ’ t help but share a cultural moment with Yvette . Her eyes light up with an excitement that flows inside to out , leaving you with a powerful desire to meet these perfect strangers who define this extraordinary island . She speaks of a place where old fashioned kindness for your neighbours and your community is always in style . It is not unusual for Grenadian households to have pots three times the size needed for their own families . This is not because they plan on eating a great deal , but because they are always prepared for , and inviting , the camaraderie and company of others to break bread .
There are many impressive things that stand out about Yvette Noel-Schure . Invariably , she credits the attributes to her native home , as she verbally basks in the privilege of being raised in its shores . She has achieved great things , and you would understand if she took a moment or two for a self-congratulating lap . But that ’ s nowhere forthcoming . Instead , you know you are in the presence of a woman who lives with a strong sense of gratitude for her life , and for each day she is given . She shares tearfully that she lives and embraces each day in large part for her Mom , who lived with a mental illness that robbed her of many meaningful moments . She has consciously sought to achieve for her Mom many of the things her Mom would have liked to but couldn ’ t for herself .
This sense of caring extends beyond her immediate circle into the broader community . Along with her husband who she has been with for over 30 years , there is now the Yvette and David Schure Scholarship that gives money to three students each year . Notably as well , Yvette is passionate about empowering young women , and has done so through her international speaking engagements at schools and community organizations . This November she will be having a three-day celebration with friends and family in Grenada , for her ‘ very big ’ birthday . It is going to be a fundraiser for the children of Grenada . In lieu of gifts - because as she said , she doesn ’ t need another designer bag or pair of shoes , she is asking for donations to invest Grenada ’ s greatest resource – their children ’ s future . The money raised will go towards their education and protection - the latter being attention and support for those who have suffered sexual assault or trauma . Imbued with a strong sense of purpose , she will be giving back and impacting her beloved Grenada , the way it did her .
We could all use a little more Grenada in our lives . Spices to ignite your passions , dances , festivals to connect you to a rich cultural history , and all the love needed to set you free from the safe insular world that many of us find ourselves in . As Dr . Yvette herself says , “ If there was a prescription that I ever needed – it ’ s Grenada .”

All roads lead me back to

GRENADA ~ Yvette Noel-Schure