Spice Isle Virtual Cultural Festival, Montreal. July 2021 | Page 207

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INGREDIENTS 50 grams butter
2 springs onion , thinly sliced
4 dressed crabs 50 ml cream , double 50 ml dry white wine
1 / 2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce 85 grams grated cheddar cheese
Freshly ground black pepper Sprinkle of parmesan
Melt the butter in a pan and add the spring onions . Sauté until tender but do not allow them to colour . Scoop out the meat from the crabs and add to the spring onions . Add the cream , white wine , hot pepper sauce and cheddar cheese .
Cook on a very low flame , or ideally over a heat diffuser , for approximately 30 minutes or until thickened . Strain off any excess fat , then season to taste . Put the mixture back into the crab shells , sprinkle with parmesan and place under a hot grill until golden brown .
Serve hot .