Spice Isle Cultural Festival (Montreal) Magazine July 2021 | Page 11

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the Prime Minister the most was the sense of protectiveness the public had for each other . “ People who never came to me before , came to see me for help , and they often came to advocate for someone who was in worst shape than they were ,” said Mitchell with pride .
STEPPING OUT OF THE PANDEMIC ’ S SHADOW After the rough year , the sense of solidarity and renewed hope for a vaccinated populace means Grenada is eager to play host to the world and see their tourism industry revived . According to Mitchell , their early vigilance paid off and led to some unforeseen opportunities .
The South African cricket team was supposed to play in another Caribbean country , but in May the organization called to ask if it could move the event to Covid free Grenada . The Prime Minister happily obliged . “ Not only does it help bring back tourism , but the young people who want to go realize that they have to be vaccinated to attend , so it increases our chances of getting more people protected against Covid-19 ,” said Mitchell .
For those eager to get to the Spice Island to take in the sights , get some relaxation time , and block out some of the Covid reality of the world , here ’ s how it can be done :
• Visitors can come to Grenada if they have a negative PCR covid test .
• The test must have been taken within three days of landing on the island .
• Fully vaccinated travelers are asked to quarantine for up to 48 hours , but can leave their hotel once they pass a Covid test .
Visit the website www . covid19 . gov . gd for all the details .
Elysia Bryan-Baynes is a writer , creator and facilitator who spent 17 years as a news anchor and political reporter in Montreal
As for the country ’ s national carnival “ Spicemas ”, there are some smaller events that will be allowed to take place . The Prime Minister warns that there will be no Monday Night Mas . The caveat is that promoters have to have everyone involved , from staff to participants , vaccinated . “ So far it is working , and promoters trying to get their projects off the ground are supporting the efforts to have safer events ”, said Mitchell
GETTING TO GRENADA Grenada has been in a state of emergency since March 2020 and the current period expires in November 2021 , but leadership still holds firm that visitors can safely come and stay on the island .