Speising in Bewegung. Jahresbericht 2018 Jahresbericht_OSS_2018_WEB | Page 58
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Schuh, R. C.
Speising in Bewegung – Jahresbericht 2018
Comparison of plantar pressure distribution and functional outcome after scarf and austin osteotomy
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2018: 255-263. Puchner S. E., Trnka H. J., Willegger M., Staats K., Holinka J.,
Windhager R., Schuh R. C.
Peroneus brevis tendon in proximal 5 th metatarsal fractures: anatomical considerations for safe hook plate
Injury 2018: 720-725. Seyidova N., Hirtler R., Windhager R., Schuh R. C., Willegger M.
Preoperative MRI is helpful but not sufficient to detect associated lesions in patients with chronic ankle
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2018: 2103-2109. Staats K., Sabeti-Aschraf M., Apprich S.,
Platzgummer H., Puchner S. E., Holinka J., Windhager R., Schuh R. C.
Clinical gait assessment by video observation and 2D techniques
In: Müller B., Wolf S. (Hrsg.), Handbook of Human Motion, Springer International Publishing, 2018, 473-488.
Kranzl A.
Kranzl, A.
Deformity analysis, concepts, and planning strategies
In: Herzenberg J. E. et al., The art of limb alignment: Taylor Spatial Frame. 1. Ausgabe, 2018, Rubin Institute for
Advanced Orthopaedics, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Baltimore, USA, 55-66. Radler C.
Radler, C.
Planning software
In: Herzenberg J. E. et al., The art of limb alignment: Taylor Spatial Frame. 1. Ausgabe, 2018, Rubin Institute for
Advanced Orthopaedics, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Baltimore, USA, 25-40. Radler C.
A constellation of orthopaedic deformities are in connection with cartilage oligomeric matrix protein
LBG (Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft) Meeting for Health Sciences, 29.–30. November 2018, Wien. Al Kaissi A.,
Grill F., Ganger R., Kircher S. G.
Al Kaissi, A.
Soft-tissue distraction prior to single bone forearm surgery in ulnar longitudinal deficiency type II.
Kongress der Vereinigung für Kinderorthopädie (VKO), 2.–3. März 2018, Dresden, Deutschland. Farr S.,
Schachinger F., Girsch W.
Farr, S.
Performance, patient benefits and acceptance of a new generation of microprocessor-controlled stance and
swing control orthosis.
American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA), 101. National Assembly, 26.–29. September 2018, Vancouver,
Kanada. Wismer N., Krebs A., Braatz F., Schmalz T., Kranzl A., Breuer C.
Krebs, A.
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