Speed of Sound Issue 1 | Page 16

Donovan: To kind of just sum it up I feel like our first album before “Elephantitis” was a lot of old songs that me and Aric had written and all the guys learned and added their own thing, and “Elephantitis” is much more collective because we were all already in the band and kind of all helped each other out together.

WSGAF: If you could tour with anyone dead or alive who would it be?

Aric: I think it’d be fun to tour with Glassjaw.

Donovan: letlive. I think it’d be fun to tour with them.

John: I think…so many bands some to mind! I think Elvis Presley, just to kind of be like “We toured with Elvis Presley!” Even though it’d be an awful lineup. He would open for us acoustic.

Aric: It’d be bad for him. Yeah, Elvis Presley would be great.

WSGAF : Where do you see Hail the Sun in the next two years?

John: In a trash can… [laughs]

Donovan: After our Vegas date two years from now. [laughs] I see more comfortable touring, with a full length.

John: Hopefully with a couple of full lengths, touring, touring, touring, and maybe one day headlining a tour. If not we love playing with all these bands, hopefully we can keep this up and come back from the studio and talk to you again, maybe? Hopefully? [laughs]

Hail the Sun is currently preparing to head out on tour again with Jonny Craig, Kurt Travis, and The Seeking! The band is currently fundraising on indiegogo to prepare for the tour.

Aric: My favorite song to play live is probably “Ow! (Splidao!) [I Like It, Though] ”

Donovan: My favorite song to play live…is probably…"Will They Blame Me If You Go Dissapearing”

John: I’d say for myself it’d be “Eight Ball, Coroner’s Pocket” because I get to scream and mess up half the notes. That’s always fun.

Donovan: [laughs] without anyone realizing! Or except they do realize, but they just don’t realize that they realize it.

WSGAF: You guys have really interesting song titles, what are your inspirations for these song titles?

John: We just come up with the most odd name that most people wouldn’t even think of.

Donovan: Yeah, just something that you’d really remember. Something that would make an interviewer ask us the question that you just asked us.


John: Exactly!

Aric: That was our plan, and we’ve achieved our goal with those song names.

Donovan: We accomplished it by you asking us.

WSGAF: What's the writing process like with the current lineup?

Aric: It varies, sometimes one of us will write a skeleton for a song and then build from that, other times it’s a complete collective experience. It really just depends, and it’s hard because we all live in different cities too and that’s a big factor in that. So it really just depends on where we’re at and the time.