Speech Therapy Concussion Treatment And Speech Therapy | Page 9

FAQs about Concussion Treatment in Toronto • Is medical attention after a concussion necessary? o While you should never leave a head injury to chance, there are certain symptoms that make it crucial that you go see a doctor as soon as possible. • What determines the outcome of a concussion? o The answer to that isn’t so simple because each concussion is different as is the person experiencing it. The outcome will depend on how you recover from a concussion. • What is Post-Concussion Syndrome? o Close to 80%–90% of concussions will get resolves within 7-10 days. However, there are cases when the concussion doesn’t go away in such a short time period. If you feel the symptoms of your concussion have stuck around for longer than 3-4 weeks, then go see an expert immediately. Known as the post-concussion syndrome, if allowed to go untreated, the syndrome can be dangerous. You might have a difficult time while trying to work or study. Besides that you would also feel ill at ease and might even experience depression!