Top concussion therapists offer comprehensive programs to help you manage your
injury in a more effective manner. Physical therapists work closely with you and
offer individualized concussion evaluations. You can easily find suitable
rehabilitation programs for you or your loved ones. However, it is a good idea to
first learn a bit about concussion and ensure that you have indeed suffered a
serious injury. You can get a better idea of the severity of your injury by paying
attention to certain signs and symptoms. For instance, you may experience a
severe headache after your injury. You may also experience drowsiness, nausea,
difficulty focusing, blurred vision, and sensitivity to noise and light.
If you suspect that you have sustained a serious injury or you have a concussion,
you should stop the sporting activity immediately and go see your physician.
Immediate rest is important and helps with recovery. In fact, you can go to sleep if
you want and take some rest. You may also feel better by using an ice pack on your
neck and head. Hydrating your body is also important. Ensure that you do not
drive, exercise or take ibuprofen after a concussion has occurred.
Once you know a concussion has occurred, you should talk to a professional to
receive concussion therapy. Physical therapy has significantly reduced the time you
need to recover from concussions. Regular therapy sessions will work great to help
improve gaze stability, recover balance, and improve gait and mood. Keep in mind
that though concussion therapy helps a lot with concussions, the recovery time
may be different for every individual. Your therapist will assess your situation and
then create an individualized plan of care to help accelerate recovery.