Spectacular Magazine (June 2014) Vol 1, Issue 3 | Page 24

EDUCATION AA call TO collective action onON PREK-TO-3 LITERACYDurham CALL to COLLECTIVE ACTION preK-to-3 literacy in IN DURHAM North Carolina in 2012 adopted the rigorous Common Core standards for all public schools. When the State Board of Education released the results of standardized tests from that first year of Common Core, they revealed a dramatic drop in performance by students, schools and districts. The overall passing rate in Durham was 34%, compared to 55.8% in Wake County and 50% in Orange County. The overall statewide passing rate was 45%. The new, statewide Read to Achieve law mandates certain levels of reading proficiency by the end of third grade and requires school districts to offer summer remediation for certain students not reading at that level. Hundreds of Durham third-graders are expected to need that support this summer. Amidst these challenges, and with the critical knowledge that end-of-third-grade reading level is the most accurate predictor of high school graduation, Durham Public Schools in May hosted a Literacy Summit to begin mobilizing community stakeholders. Dr. Phail Wynn Jr., vice president for Durham and regional affairs at Duke University, was the keynote speaker at the event, and these are his remarks. “I’m here to call for a community dialogue, and for action on both an immediate challenge and a more difficult long-term one. This Literacy Summit is the beginning of a long and sustained process during which all education and community stakeholders will have to step up. If we examine this challenge from a historical perspective, we discover we have been talking about thirdgrade reading proficiency in Durham elementary schools for more than 20 years. Many of you will remember this quote from the late 1990s — “The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing.” This quote from former DPS superintendent Ann Denlinger referred to the goal of having all students reach reading proficiency by the end of third grade. I even have here an op-ed piece I wrote in 2000 advocating support for that goal. DPS drafted a covenant that was signed by dozens of stakeholders. However, no sustainable action plan was developed. We continue to face the challenge. Allow me to take a few minutes to discuss my view of the challenge and the consequences of not developing and implementing a sustainable, research-based action plan. To paraphrase singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell’s wonderful song, “Both Sides Now,” I have seen the consequences of this preK-to-third-grade literacy issue from both ends now – as well as from the middle. And it all points to the same conclusion – this is a most serious and critical challenge, leading only to disastrous consequences if coordinated and focused actions are not taken to save these kids. My first experience in understanding the conse- 24 quences of poor reading proficiency occurred early in my 28-year tenure as president of Durham Technical Community College. Durham Tech provides open-door admissions but requires entering students to take placement tests to determine their preparation for college-level academic work. Over the years, as many as 40% of our entering high-school graduates tested below grade level in reading, English and/or mathematics. We carefully developed three levels of Developmental Studies courses to prepare them Dr. Phail Wynn, Jr. for college-level work. We understood that a student could not master any course or subject at Durham Tech without appropriate grade-level reading proficiency. As a result, we faced many disappointed and discouraged students. In their minds, their high school diploma meant they were prepared for college-level work. It was a huge blow to learn they would have to spend up to three semesters doing remedial work — at their own expense — that would not count toward their major. This was a harsh penalty for young people who had done everything expected of them. But, who was at fault? The school system? Their parents? The community? I developed another perspective on the importance of early literacy development when I became vice president for Durham and regional affairs at Duke University in 2008. Jeannie Bishop, then principal of E.K. Powe Elementary School, expressed to me her concern about the large number of students entering kindergarten with little or no pre-school experience. These students lacked the necessary kindergarten readiness behaviors and had not begun to develop the requisite pre-reading skills. Recent studies show that in the United States, one of every three children enter kindergarten unprepared or underprepared to begin learning reading and math. Just imagine their first educational experience during their first day at kindergarten – a day filled with frustration and lowered self-esteem. So, if these students are not ready for kindergarten, who is at fault? We certainly can’t blame the schools if students arrive unprepared. My most recent perspective on understanding the consequences of poor reading proficiency came when my office piloted the Balfanz Early Warning Indicator Tracking System (EWITS) at three DPS middle schools. This project began in the fall of 2009 to identify those middle-school students most at risk of dropping out or otherwise getting off track for graduation. The rationale for this cohort analysis approach was that by identifying middle-school youth most vulnerable to disconnection from school, resources could more efficiently and effectively be deployed for those youth identified as most likely to drop out. We began the process by applying the “high-risk” indicators developed by Professor Robert Balfanz of Johns Hopkins University