Spectacular Magazine (June 2014) Vol 1, Issue 3 | Page 14

NCDP CONTINUES on controversial issues or simply dismissed by GOP legislative leaders who ignore him." This risky, reactionary “Let’s Make a Deal” mentality must be stopped, which calls for a “Revival of Democracy” in North Carolina with a clarity of purpose. Why? For over a century progressive policy under Democrats pushed for a continual expansion of the franchise or the right to vote. More members of society were brought into the process and access to the ballot box was made easier and more inclusive. Using the red herring of alleged voter fraud the extreme-GOP began pushing for ID’s to solve a problem that did not exist in any substantial form in North Carolina. This movement became the “Trojan Horse” for the zealots to push into Raleigh and an abomination to democracy that became law under house bill 589 in 2013. Although the ID issue has been punted for implementation until 2016, the anti-democracy crowd bequeathed the state a law that: 1) Eliminates pre-registration of teen agers; 2) Slashes the early voting period by seven days; 3) Eliminates same-day registration, straight-ticket voting and out of precinct voting; 4) Zaps (laughs at) the notion that candidates should “man up” and “stand by their ad” and allows for less transparency of campaign financing; 5) Invites more partisans into the polls (polling place itself), emboldens “vigilante groups” to roam about and challenge voters and allows for more corporate funding in the process; 6) Eliminates public funding of candidates and “tax check-off” funding of political parties while raising contribution limits to campaigns and special interest PACs. 7) Encourages the mass mailing of absentee ballot requests. Of course there is no need to spend time and energy trying to discern the motives of the reactionary “anti- democracy” crowd and the “policy speculators” whom they serve. We merely need to turn to former Buncombe County GOP precinct chair and self-proclaimed “Rush Limbaugh” of the Mountains, Don Yelton, whose clarity and frank statements last fall in his interview on the Daily Show were refreshingly transparen [