Spectacular Magazine (July 2014) Spectacular Magazine - July 2014 | Page 23

LIFESTYLES HOW TO SPOT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BEFORE IT BECOMES PHYSICAL TAMELA MANN LOSES OVER 200 POUNDS Domestic violence and domestic abuse are scary situations that people find themselves in all too often. There are some warning signs to watch out for that may indicate the violence and physical abuse is on the way. everything that you do. They want to tear you down and make you feel like you can never do anything right. 4. Blame – An abusive partner will place the blame on the other party for everything that happens in their lives. If the abusive partner cheats, they place the blame on the other partner. 5. Control – The abused party has a lack of control over anything in their life. The other party controls everything. They control when you go out, what you wear, who you talk to, and check your cell phone and emails to make sure you aren’t doing anything they wouldn’t like. 1. Jealousy – Partner has an irrational fit of jealousy when you are around other people and engaging in conversations. They will accuse you of cheating and then give ultimatums if you don’t stop seeing those people they don’t like. 2. Intensity – Partners that are extremely intense could be heading to violence. They will bombard the other partner with text messages and calls. They will buy lavish gifts when it is far too soon in the relationship. Everything is over the top. 3. Criticism – Verbal abuse is one step closer to violence. They will call you ugly, fat, and criticize 6. Sabotage – They will try to sabotage your life. They will take your car keys and hide them so that you cannot get to work. They will make you late for classes. They will do whatever they can to ruin your life. 7. Anger – Someone who is about to ɕͽ