Specitechs How-To's Word2PDF edition | Seite 5

Saving your document in PDF Format Saving your document in PDF Format H O W T O S AV E A M I C R O S O F T W O R D 2 0 1 0 D O C U M E N T A S A P O R TA B L E D O C U M E N T F O RM AT ( P D F ) F I L E WHAT IS A PDF FILE? A Portable Document Format file (.PDF) is a file format invented by Adobe (http://www.adobe.com/au/) to make digital documents widely compatible with any computer that has free Adobe Reader software or equivalent to view PDF’s. Over 20 years Adobe has perfected PDF’s in the way that they are now designed to look as a document would printed, but with the ability to contain clickable links, video and audio. Pros - PDF file content can’t easily be changed. Saving as a PDF removes template boundary lines. Preserves fonts, formatting and images. Multiple free viewers are available on the web. Cons - Best used for finished copies of documents as they are hard to edit. A PDF viewer is hard to obtain if you’re unable to access Internet Adobe Reader Software Before you download Adobe reader this box should be blank. There is a range of free software available online to read PDF’s and it is becoming more common for programs to automatically have it. But, if you find you can’t open a PDF file then this is your computer telling you that you don’t have the necessary program to open it. In which case if you have access to internet connection you can go here: http://get.adobe.com/reader/ Adobe reader is completely free but make sure to be careful when you click the option as when you opt to download you should uncheck the option to “Yes, download McAffee Security Scan Plus” before progressing. © Bethany Marriott 2013 Page 4