Specialty Pharmacy Information Packet | Page 9

UAB SPECIALTY PHARMACY SERVICES Patient Emergency Preparedness
Emergencies and environmental disasters can occur at any time . Please take some time and review the following to prepare for these emergencies :
• For all medical emergencies , dial 911
• Listen to your radio and television for up-to-date emergency information and instructions
• The following numbers may also be helpful : – American Red Cross 205-439-7800 – The Salvation Army 205-328-2420
• Notify the pharmacy staff if you plan to evacuate your home and where you plan to go so that interruptions in medication shipments can be avoided . Be sure to take your medications , supplies and medical information to your evacuation location .
• If your medical equipment is operated by A / C current with a battery back-up , notify the electric company to alert them of your need for priority restoration of power should an outage occur .
• Always keep extra alkaline batteries available for operating your infusion device should you be unable to connect to power .
• Notify your pharmacy of any power outages lasting longer than 6 hours .
• Fill an ice chest with ice to store all refrigerated medications .
• If you live in a flood prone area , know your route to higher ground .
• Keep alert to flash flood warnings over local radio , TV , weather radio or mobile devices .
• If unable to evacuate , move to highest level of your home .
• Prepare a disaster kit with essential supplies including a battery-operated radio .
• Keep alert to tornado watch / warning alerts on local radio , TV , weather radio or mobile devices .
• If possible , a floor below ground or basement is the best place to go . In these locations , use additional personal cover such as a coat or blanket .
• If you don ’ t have a basement , go to lowest possible level , in a small , windowless room such as a bathroom , closet , inner hallway , or under stairs .
• Stay away from doors and windows .
• Crouch or lie flat and protect your head .
• If you live in a trailer , leave immediately to take shelter in a sturdy building . Do not use a car .
• Keep at least a 3-day emergency supply of medication , food and water in your home .
• Conserve energy – close off unused rooms .
• Dress warmly in layers .
• Use caution when using kerosene and / or electric heaters .
• Use caution and good judgment with snow removal .
• Your nurse will familiarize you with basic care and flushing of your IV catheter in the event they cannot reach you and you must discontinue your infusion pump and / or therapy for any period of time .
• UAB Pharmacy Services will make every effort to maintain your services without interruption . Depending upon the extent of the emergency situation and urgency of your needs , you will be contacted and advised of the status of your delivery .
For more information about emergency preparedness , visit adph . org or call 1-866-264-4073 . Go to ready . gov to learn about potential terrorist threats and other emergencies or call 1-800-BE-READY ( 1-800-237-3239 ) for a free brochure .