Specialty Pharmacy Information Packet | Page 19

As a patient , you shall have the RIGHT :
1 . To receive considerate , respectful and compassionate care of yourself and your property regardless of your age , gender , race , religion , culture , language , disabilities , socioeconomic status , sexual orientation , or gender identity or expression .
2 . To be provided with effective communication and receive information in a manner that is understandable and have access to sign or foreign language interpreter services . We will provide an interpreter as needed .
3 . To speak with a health professional and to be provided with the names and titles of the staff members involved in your care . You have the right to speak with a staff member ’ s supervisor , if requested .
4 . To receive care in a safe environment , free from all forms of abuse , neglect or harassment . 5 . To expect full consideration of your privacy and confidentiality in care discussions and treatments .
6 . To know that our mission is to help you better understand your specific condition so you can achieve best results and maintain optimal health over the long-term through our patient management program . You also have the right to receive information about the care and services rendered to you through the patient management program and to be provided with information about your condition as it relates to the care provided . In addition , you have the right to receive information about changes in , or termination of , the patient management program .
7 . To participate in decisions about your care , treatment and services provided , including the right to refuse treatment , decline participation , revoke consent or ‘ opt out ’ and / or request another pharmacy or home infusion provider at any point in time .
8 . To be involved in your individualized plan of care . This may include , but not be limited to , development and revision of plan of care , assessing pain and pain management , making care decisions and resolving dilemmas or ethical issues about care decisions .
9 . To receive financial information as a result of your treatment , care , and services received , including financial counseling resources .
10 . To expect that all communications and records about your care are confidential , unless disclosure is allowed by law . You have the right to see or get a copy of your pharmacy or home infusion records and have the information explained , if needed . You have the right to request amendment to , and / or receive a list of to whom your personal health information was disclosed .
11 . To voice complaints about the care you receive and recommend changes freely without being subject to coersion , discrimination , reprisal , or unreasonable interruption in care .
1 . You are expected to provide complete and accurate information , including your full name , address , home telephone number , date of birth , Social Security number , insurance carrier and employer on all forms or interactions , when it is required . You have the responsibility to notify the pharmacy staff if your address changes . You have the responsibility to accurately complete and return any provided forms back to the pharmacy in a timely fashion .
2 . You are expected to remain under the care of a licensed physician for the duration of your treatment course and inform the pharmacy staff if you decide to change physicians during the course of therapy . In addition , you have the responsibility to submit any forms that are necessary to participate in the patient management program .
3 . You are expected to provide complete and accurate information about your health and medical history on all forms or interactions , including present condition , past illnesses , hospital stays , medicines , vitamins , herbal products , and any other matters that pertain to your health , including perceived safety risks , changes in your condition and / or hospital admissions . You have the responsibility to notify your treating provider of your participation in the patient management program , if applicable .
4 . You are expected to ask questions when you do not understand information or instructions . If you believe you can ’ t follow through with your treatment plan , you are responsible for telling your healthcare provider . You are responsible for outcomes if you do not follow the care , treatment and services plan .
5 . You are expected to provide feedback about your expectations and satisfaction with the care and services provided . 6 . You are expected to treat all staff , other patients and visitors with courtesy and respect .
7 . You are expected to provide complete and accurate information about your health insurance coverage and to pay your bills in a timely manner . You also have the responsibility to contact the pharmacy staff if your insurance changes .
8 . When home care services are utilized , you are expected to maintain any equipment provided , keep home care visit appointments , or to call your home health care provider if you cannot keep your appointments .