Monika Lamoratta , global technical manager at Lanxess , explores the implications of the increasing regulatory hurdles on biocidal active substances suppliers in Europe
Increasing regulatory pressure threatens the future of biocidal actives in Europe
Monika Lamoratta , global technical manager at Lanxess , explores the implications of the increasing regulatory hurdles on biocidal active substances suppliers in Europe
In recent years , the European biocides landscape has faced steadily increasing regulatory pressure . While aiming to safeguard human health and the environment , the European Biocidal Products Regulation EU 528 / 2012 ( BPR ) has imposed stringent approval processes and rigorous safety assessments on biocidal active substances .
The registration process is based on two main components . Active substance approval involves the evaluation of a comprehensive dossier by the European Chemicals Agency ( ECHA ), including toxicological , ecotoxicological , environmental and microbiological efficacy data . Once the active substance is approved , specific product data must also be evaluated for authorisation of the biocidal product containing the approved active substance ( s ).
The biocidal product evaluation includes a risk assessment to ensure that the product meets the highest safety standards and does not harm human health and the environment upon exposure . This two-step procedure ensures that only safe and effective biocidal products are placed on the market .