Speciality Chemicals Magazine NOV / DEC 2023 | Page 40

of the disinfectant active ingredient due to the wipe matrix can reduce the amount of QAC delivered on surfaces and impair disinfection efficacy .
Overall , then , wipes made from natural materials may be biodegradable and seem more environmentally friendly , but their interaction with QACs can be unpredictable and may impact their effectiveness for disinfection . Developing effective , sustainable wipes that meet the same level of efficacy as traditional wipes is a technological challenge that needs to be addressed .
Consideration of a biodegradable and eco-friendly packaging is another challenge to address in the transition to sustainability . Traditional wipes are packaged in plastic containers ( recyclable but non-biodegradable ) or laminates ( often not recyclable but with a lower carbon footprint ). Opting for minimal packaging can often reduce carbon footprint , but ultimately the recyclability or biodegradability of these materials avoids undue waste .
Some new packages are already on the market and claim 100 % biodegradability . The use of biodegradable packaging for disinfectant wipes is still a relatively new concept , however . Thorough stability studies are necessary to compare it with traditional systems . Testing needs to prove that the wipes are still adequately moist and that the active ingredient content has not decreased or changed state at the end of storage .
Transitioning to sustainable wipes
Sustainability often involves some trade-offs and economic considerations including :
• Higher production costs : Alternative materials and processes are often more expensive than conventional options
• Limited availability & supply chain constraints : Shortages of new or uncommon raw materials lead to higher costs and increased competition
• Price sensitivity : Consumers prefer lower-priced conventional wipes , making price a significant factor
• Market competition : Differentiating sustainable wipes from conventional options is challenging due to regulations , such as the EU Biocidal Products Regulation
• Compliance costs : Certifications for sustainability involve additional testing and compliance expenses
• Demand : Retailers may perceive limited demand for higherpriced sustainable products , but increasing consumer awareness can drive adoption
• Safety & regulation : Product testing and compliance carry recurring costs , especially if material suppliers do not provide necessary specifications
Despite these challenges , the market for sustainable products is growing due to consumer demand . Economies of scale , technological advances and improved supply chains may reduce costs and enhance viability .
Disinfectant wipes are convenient and effective in eliminating microorganisms on surfaces . However , if they are not sustainable , they will eventually contribute to increased environmental pollution and risk to human and animal health .
Sustainable alternatives , such as using biodegradable materials and safer biocidal agents , can reduce the impact of these wipes . The role of consumers in driving change cannot be underestimated , and it is important for both industry and individuals to be aware of the impact of their purchasing decisions on the immediate environment , public health and the planet . ●
* - Also contributing to this article was Dr Jaroslav Vorac
Reference : 1 : J . M . Boyce , American Journal of Infection Control , 2021 , 49 , 104-114
Dr Daniela Romano
KNOELL GERMANY GMBH k + 39 0232065096 J dromano @ knoell . com j knoell . com / en / markets / biocides