or fully replace animal testing while providing more relevant , scientifically robust information on risks . NAMs use various advanced tools alone or in combination , including in vitro models of vertebrate systems , highthroughput screening assays to detect activity signatures , in silico computer algorithms to predict the hazard and behaviour of substances and incorporating information on exposure into the safety assessment strategy .
NAMs provide an opportunity to screen and characterise the safety of antimicrobial substances in a more ethical manner that can also provide a more precise and relevant understanding of risk compared to the blunt , hazard-based approach used in traditional animal studies . These innovations are strongly aligned with public opinion and will play an important role in ensuring a high level of human and environmental safety during the transition to a greener future .
New computational methods leveraging advances in artificial intelligence ( AI ) have led to the creation of neural network codes for the discovery of new biocides . 7 - 8 AI can also uncover key structurefunction properties that drive desired performance characteristics while balancing safety , leading to new , previously inaccessible insights
Naturally derived biocides are increasingly essential in cosmetics that significantly accelerate product development Arxada for one has employed in silico methods to explore and understand biocide dynamics in solution for application and formulation development .
Computational methods always need experimental validation , and industry has developed highthroughput methodologies for validation and discovery . 9 - 10 Much of this has focused on determination of activity or potency based upon minimum inhibitory concentrations ( MICs ) of biocidal actives .
Whilst this is effective for some applications , including antibiotic discovery , the data often does not translate well to more complex , stochastic industrial systems . Hence , modifications of methods around biofilm generation and testing , 11 the use of application formulations and the development of algorithms to analyse data are now at the forefront of biocidal discovery , engendering confidence that the identified biocidal activity will more probably be successful when subjected to the more stringent and labourintensive methodologies required for regulatory approval .
Sustainable preservation
The enhanced capabilities of biocidal product laboratories are already delivering key innovations to a variety of markets to meet the most challenging preservation challenges of today . The personal care market perhaps offers the best example of value drivers accelerating innovation , and the industry is responding rapidly .
Driven by the increased consumer scrutiny of traditional preservatives and the shrinking palette of preservation options perceived as safe , formulators are looking for innovations in the milder , more sustainable space . In particular , there is new demand for multifunctional ingredients with preservation boosting properties .
A recent example is Geogard ** Boost PGC , a naturally derived glycol ester with co-emulsifier , humectant
and antimicrobial potentiation performance . It is created from naturally derived propylene glycol and caprylic acid ingredients and is readily biodegradable .
The paints and coatings ( P & C ) industry has long benefitted from effective microbial control , including the wet-state preservation products across the supply chain , industrial hygiene practices to prevent contamination in the manufacturing environment and long-term protection of dry-film coatings .
The toolbox of acceptable solutions has evolved over the past 50 years , from harsher chemistry like heavy metals , pure formaldehyde and other solvents , to alternatives with significantly improved safety profiles . Recent innovation has been driven by new active combinations , formulations with reduced VOC content and a focus on sustainable actives like IPBC . Today , P & C is on the verge of benefiting from the insights from advanced biological toolsets that lead to development of revolutionary approaches to wet-state preservation . At the same time , P & C is already benefitting from accelerated innovation in advanced encapsulation