year for six to seven days with only the initial dose .
Several amine residual tests were taken over the 11-day period after the initial 10-ppm dose . A rose bengal test method for aliphatic amines was used , measuring absorbance at 560 nm with a Hach DR890 spectrophotometer . 3.5 hours after the application of the initial dose , a sample was tested yielding a residual level of 7.96 mg / L . Another sample was tested at 5.5 hours , indicating that 5.03 mg / L of FFA remained , nearly a 40 % loss .
A correlation can easily be seen in the first few days of testing between residual FFA and corrosion rates . Corrosion rates sharply decline as the film begins to form in the first two days . From day two to day eight , corrosion rates remain relatively steady as residual filming amine slowly decreases to < 0.2 mg / L .
At day seven , a residual of 0.06 mg / L was measured without a noticeable increase in corrosion rate . Not until the final measurement of 0.03 mg / L was there a corresponding increase in corrosion . Testing indicates that after initial film formation has occurred , residual levels need only be maintained at near the detection limit to maintain corrosion inhibition .
Summary & conclusions
Comparative testing of corrosion inhibitors was performed in a circulating hot water pilot system ( 71 ° C ) containing copper , mild steel and aluminium . The efficacy of traditional and filming chemistries was determined by metal loss over a 14-day test period .
The results clearly show the filming amines were the most effective corrosion inhibitors for all metals tested at the pH range ( 8.0-8.5 ) recommended for the protection of
Figure 4 – LPR corrosion data for MS with varying levels of filming amine
8 1
--. 7 0.9
0.8 QJ a. 6 • Mild steel corrosion C
E · -
� 0.7 E
QJ 5
0.6 ro
� Filming amine residual
4 0.5 · -C
· - 0 E 3 0.4 · -
Vl 4--
0 0.3 s.,_
2 ro s.,_
0.2 ::::J
0 "O u 1 · -
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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Run time { days )
aluminium . Results using a nitrite / silicate blend show the difficulty in protecting mild steel and aluminium simultaneously ( Trial 2 ). To protect mild steel effectively , a high pH ( 9.6 ) was needed . This resulted in a corrosion rate of 378 mils / year for aluminium .
A cold-water circuit was also used to evaluate the film formation characteristics of a film-forming inhibitor blend . The data show that corrosion inhibition begins with
Run time ( hrs } Figure 5 – Extended trial of 10ppm filming amine initial dose with residual testing
the initial dose and that corrosion rates continue to improve over an eight-day period .
There are difficulties encountered when treating multi-metal systems , especially when they contain aluminium components . The results presented here show that FFA offer an effective corrosion inhibitor alternative to traditional chemistries with possibilities for use in a variety of water systems including hot , cold , open or closed . ●
Nathan Hardy
References 1 : M . LaBrosse & D . Erickson , The Analyst , Summer 2017 , 23-27 2 : M . Jack , heatexchangerfouling . com 2015 , 112 |
3 : S . Rey & G . Reggiani , Association of Water Technologies , 205 4 : E . Pensini , Water Resources & Industry , 2017 , http :// dx . doi . org / 10.1016 / j . wri . 2017.11.001 |
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KURITA WATER n . hardy @ kurita-water . com www . kurita-water . com |