Speciality Chemicals Magazine NOV / DEC 2022 | Page 41


Sandrine Corporation : 75 years of excellence in recycling surplus chemicals and excess materials

For 75 years , Sandrine Corporation has been the most trusted and reliable solution to recycling and eliminating unused surplus chemicals and overstocked materials . Sandrine is an independent company with roots in the US chemical industry since 1948 . Located in Boca Raton in South Florida , Sandrine specialises in recycling unused and unwanted materials via streamlined approaches that create a winning solution for both supplier and recycler . We place a renewed emphasis on effectively recycling generic pharmaceuticals and organic compounds , and we partner with chemical manufacturers to find effective alternatives for new uses for these materials . This solves the dilemma related to dumping , disposing of and destroying unwanted chemicals for manufacturers that are dealing with a surplus . Instead of risking the harm that can be caused to the environment , Sandrine is able to provide better and more effective solutions .

Alternative uses
Our primary method of operation is to try to find additional or alternative uses for materials that are considered to be in excess . Since 1948 , Sandrine has saved and repurposed more than 40,000 tons of chemical products by purchasing and recycling them to the appropriate sources . The approach of effectively recycling unused product is not a new one . Over time , this has been proven to be one of the best ways to minimize waste and reduce the potential for any negative effect on the environment . Not only is recycling unused products a sound time-tested approach that works , it also keeps in line with most current strategies . Sandrine is one of the leading corporations in investment recovery , focusing on buying and selling overstock chemicals , pharmaceuticals , polymers , intermediates and additives . This is a win – win solution for both manufacturers and purchasers . Manufacturers are able to sell products that would otherwise be wasted and unused . Purchasers are able to acquire products at more affordable prices .
Avoiding duplication
Our 75 years of experience and resourcefulness enables us to develop practical solutions for inventory overstock . This can be especially useful approach in situations where one company acquires another company and there is a duplication of products . In such a case , there may be a reduction in plant operations . Leftover products at the remaining plants may be destroyed to avoid
overstock . Sandrine will purchase the excess product , reducing the loss to the manufacturer and resell it to customers seeking lower prices . Sandrine is well aware of constant changes in production , distribution , and consumption of chemical materials and is sensitive to these changes and able to adapt to future situations . Creating winning solutions from what some might term as losses is our business , and we are available to find productive solutions for your surplus chemical and excess materials . For a complete listing of chemicals that are currently available for sale , check the website . •
Sandrine Corporation
k + 1 561 989 8118 J sandrine @ earthlink . net j www . sandrinecorp . com
Joel Udell , Sandrine CEO